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Adapt Inventory Management System

Adapt Inventory Management System

Category: PHP Scripts
$40 Free
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Last updated: 20 Jan 22


Adapt inventory system is the feature rich solution for businesses, which offers easy to use admin management, invoice management, suppliers management, products cataloging, categories management, warehouse management, expenses management, loans management, staff management, customer management, extensive reports management and system configuration. While developing this system we have catered all the details according to the business needs and requirements; such as dead stock management, expired products management, credit and paid customer management, paid/unpaid invoices and expense invoices as well as reports, sales reports profit/loss reports and expense reports, dashboard with interactive sales graphs Adapt inventory system is designed and developed on latest tools and technologies such as Php 7, jQuery, Json, bootstrap and ensure 100% quality and security. We have used interactive solutions for frontend to provide best user experience.

Adapt Inventory system is an easy to install application provided with detailed documentation. In documentation each feature is explained with screenshot. To check live demo of Adapt Inventory System, please follow the instructions below.

Last Update 20 January 2022
Published 23 November 2018
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL
Software Version PHP 7.x, MySQL 5.x
Tags inventory control, inventory management, inventory management software, Inventory Management System, inventory system, invoice, invoice manager, invoice system, php inventory manager, php stock, product management, stock, stock management, stock manager, Stock Manager Advance