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Admin Panel in Angular 8 with NodeJS and MongoDB

Admin Panel in Angular 8 with NodeJS and MongoDB

$52 Free
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Last updated: 13 Jun 19


This is a basic ecommerce admin panel made in Angular 8 , NodeJS and MongoDB. Purpose of this application is to get started with basic readymade platform which can be extended as per the need for full ecommerce based admin panel. We can extend this or take as a reference to this application and integrate in existing application.Auth gurds are used for authentication and authorization with JWT token so security measures are added in that.

This project has 2 folder backend && frontend. We have used PM2 as a process manager for NodeJS to handle the crash as well as load. To run the project in dev mode nodemon is used.For the production run we have to make some modification to ecosystem.config.js to handle the environment variables for PM2.

Last Update 13 June 2019
Published 1 March 2019
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS
Software Version AngularJS, Node.js
Tags admin angular 8 panel, admin panel in mean stack, angular 7 and 8, angular 8 admin template, angular 8 architecture, angular 8 crud, angular 8 features, angular 8 tutorial