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adPopup Pro for jQuery

adPopup Pro for jQuery

$9 Free
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Last updated: 28 Aug 12


adPopup Pro is a jQuery plugin to show ads (or information) in popups to your visitors. The plugin has browser detection, OS detection, screen size detection, tablet detection, mobile detection and more built-in to show the popup only to the visitors you want to. To avoid that the user sees the popup over and over again, you get the ability to set the show_type to always, session, day, month, year, chance and more!

You can also customize the look of the popup to match your site’s styling. For example, you can set the color scheme of the close button, overlay and popup background, and choose to hide the close button or overlay.

In our eyes one popup was not enough, so we programmed this plugin to allow you to enter multiple popups and the script will automatically cycle between them randomly!

Last Update 28 August 2012
Published 28 August 2012
High Resolution No
Compatible Browsers IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, Layered PNG
Software Version jQuery
Tags ad, ad popup, ads, advertisement, cookie, cookies, css3, detect, display, html5, jquery, lightbox, mobile, popup, tablet