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Advance Seat Reservation Management for Joomla Virtuemart

Advance Seat Reservation Management for Joomla Virtuemart

Category: Joomla
$29 Free
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Last updated: 09 Apr 23


The excellent extensions allows managing the seat reservation system with Joomla Virtuemart. It working on Virtuemart product, cart, order and Joomla menu. Frontend Demo (right click and open in new tab): here It is suitable for most types of business such as cinema, train, airplane, event, theater, movie theater, bus ticket, beach chair… Admin can create seating profiles, like room 1, room 2 … for cinemas, theater, movie theater, conferences, events. Vehicle 1, vehicle 2… for trains, aircraft. Each profiles, admin can upload image or pick color for room background, enter size of room, when window is smaller, the width and height will be adjust to responsive. Admin can manage types of seat, includes name of type (for example VIP, Standard etc), color or icon of type. Admin can manage schedules, add specifically schedules or setting daily schedules. Admin can manage prices, includes name of price (for example Adult, Children etc) and type price. Admin can manage seats, includes label of seat, type of seat, width and height, then can setting map by drag and drop the seats. Virtuemart Admin can create Virtuemart customfield, then add customfield for products, when customer go on product detail page, they can see the seating map, they can choose schedule, option and seats. Then add product to cart, price will be calculate in cart, the booked seats will be show in cart, order detail and email. Joomla Menu Admin can allow customer do booking seats without cart, payment etc though Joomla menu, by create menu item, choose menu type is Seat Reservation component. When customer go on the menu, they can choose schedule, option and seats, then fill in form and submit form, the booked seats will be show in email and Seat Profiles manager. Very easy and flexible to install and configure, you will have an excellent reservation management system. Quick and simple, the plugin will really useful for your website. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. If you want to use Wordpress WooCommerce, we have a version here.

Last Update 9 April 2023
Published 22 October 2019
High Resolution Yes
Extension Type Component, Plugin
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP
Software Version Joomla 4.0.x, Joomla 3.10.x
Tags beach chair, bus ticket, cinema, event, joomla seat reservation, joomla virtuemart table booking, seat booking, seat reservation, table booking, theater, virtuemart booking, virtuemart extensions, virtuemart plugin, virtuemart seat booking, virtuemart seat reservation