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Advanced File Management

Advanced File Management

$25 Free
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Last updated: 18 Apr 24


CHANGE LOG Version 3.0.3 – released April 17, 2024 - Security: additional validation for download process (LFI vulnerability fix) - Improvement: fixed several PHP Warnings and SMTP errors when running on PHP8+ Version 3.0.2 – released June 22, 2023 - Improvement: Replaced custom captcha with Google ReCaptcha - Security: download links are now hashed - Bug: the preview PDF is not working in some cases - Bug: cannot download large files even after increasing server limits Version 3.0.1 – released January 6, 2021 - Improvement: Security code improvements - Improvement: Removed inline javascript - Improvement: Updated libraries to the latest versions - Improvement: Removed unused & commented code

Quick Security Update (v3.0): (July 18, 2016) - adjusted code in download_file.php and download.php (replace those files from fresh codecanyon archive) - fixed issue with new file upload notifications (replace includes/server/index.php ) Features (v3.0): (September 1, 2015) - completely new interface - new installer / upgrade wizards - new section – backup & restore - PHP 5.5+ support - added option for admin to enable/disable public view of the directory (in sharing section) - added multiple mail send settings (including SMTP) folders - option to assign new folders to all users at once - option to assign new file extension to all users at once files - added option to sync files from FTP. You can upload new files through FTP and then click FTP SYNC button to import those files into the file manager. (FTP Sync will also remove files from database, if you removed them from FTP) - added file previews (PDF files, txt files, code (bsh, c, cc, cpp, cs, csh, css, cyc, cv, htm, html, java, js, m, mxml, perl, php, pl, pm, py, rb, sh, xhtml, xml, xsl, sql, vb), images – (png, jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp), audio (mp3, m4a, oga, webma, fla), video (m4v, ogv, ogg, webmv, flv,mpg, mpeg, mov, divx, avi) - integrated google code prettify for code files/txt previews - integrated jPlayer for audio files previews - integrated Flowplayer for video files previews - integrated PDF.js for PDF previews users - added password generator - added option to create folder for each new user automatically (upon registration) - added user profile section, so users could change their own passwords and information - added setting to enable/disable requirement to be logged in to download shared files - added confirmation email to user, when admin approves his/hers account, if user approval is enabled - added option for automatic user approval, with extra settings like default quota, default filesize / extensions and directories to be assigned to all new users automatically. - password strength meter - added option to set any user as admin

Last Update 18 April 2024
Published 5 October 2009
High Resolution No
Compatible Browsers IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP
Software Version PHP 8.x, PHP 7.x, MySQL 5.x
Tags downloads, file manager, file sharing, file storage, file uploader, files, link sharing, management, members, multi-user, storage, upload