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AIArt - Generate art from text

AIArt - Generate art from text

$16 Free
Last updated: 09 Feb 23


AiArt is an image generator from text, it uses AI to convert what you type into an expressive image. AiArt uses the API StableDiffusion to generate the art. No Backend is required and the user doesn’t have to be authenticated. The App uses the credit concept to let the user generate new art. Stable Diffusion is a paid API with a free tier.

AIArt uses StableDiffusion to generate art from test using AI, check their website for more details: Stable Diffusion

Last Update 9 February 2023
Published 26 January 2023
Files Included .apk, .java, .xml
Software Version Kotlin 1.x
Tags ai, ai art, art, image editor, image generator, stable diffusion