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Automotive | Buy and Sell |Listing | Directory | Classified Ads| Olx | Job posting | Marketplace app

Automotive | Buy and Sell |Listing | Directory | Classified Ads| Olx | Job posting | Marketplace app

Category: Templates
$29 Free
Last updated: 11 Sep 23


Salex Application Template is an innovative medium between the seller and buyer to post their new or used product over the application with the option to add multiple images, Detail Description and price. User has the option to filter the product or search for the product of their use.

SaleX provides user the platform to sell, buy and post product range from needle to heavy earth movers providing buyer one complete solution under one roof related to selling, buying and posting.

Login/SignUp: SaleX provide user with the effective login method for the user to login within the application which cover all the basic and necessary information collected during the Signup process and maintaining the trust within the users using the application.

Last Update 9 January 2021
Published 9 January 2021
Files Included .dat, .db, .java
Software Version Kotlin 1.x, Android 12.0, Android 11.0, Android 10.0, Android 9.0
Tags advertisement mobile application source code, buy sell product mobile application, classified mobile app script, olx clone, olx clone app, post advertisement, product selling mobile application