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Birthday Reminder App - iOS

Birthday Reminder App - iOS

Category: iOS
$39 Free
Last updated: 14 Apr 23


Birthday Calendar iOS ApplicationThe Birthday Calendar iOS Application is a distinctive app for iOS devices that offers a novel approach to birthday reminders. Users can receive reminders for upcoming birthdays, and the app features fully customizable and dynamic source code that enables developers to alter color schemes, icons, and other elements. Adding birthdays is a quick and hassle-free process, with the ability to add multiple birthdays at once. This birthday reminder app keeps track of important dates for your loved ones and acquaintances and respects user privacy. Overall, it is a straightforward and user-friendly tool for managing birthdays on the go.We also believe in code quality so we are trying to make our product better by updating our code with a new Xcode version.Set it and turn on your awesome app. It’s too simple to set it up, you will find all that you need here.

Last Update 12 April 2023
Published 12 April 2023
Compatible With Swift
Files Included .h, .m, .xib/.nib
Software Version iOS 15, iOS 14, iOS 13, iOS 12, Other
Tags birthday, ios app, reminder