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Blood Bank - iOS app for blood donner

Blood Bank - iOS app for blood donner

$73 Free
Last updated: 27 Mar 20


A blood bank is a place where blood is collected and stored before it is used for transfusions. Blood banking takes place in the lab. This is to make sure thet donated blood and blood products are safe before they are used. Blood banking also determines the blood type. The blood is also tested for infectious diseases.

Red blood cells carry oxygen to the tissues in the body. They are commonly used to treat anemia. Platelets help the blood clot. They are used to treat leukemia and other forms of cancer.

White blood cells is a type of white blood cell that helps fight infection. It helps in the immune process. Plasma is the watery, liquid part of the blood. Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are a part of this liquid.

Last Update 27 March 2020
Published 27 March 2020
Compatible With Swift, Swift 2
Files Included .h, .m, .xib/.nib, JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP, HTML
Software Version iOS 12, iOS 11, iOS 10.0.x
Tags blood, blood bag, blood bank, blood bank android, blood bank management, Blood Donation, blood donation camp, Blood donor counseling, blood group, blood transfusion, donor notification, Donor reaction, donors, Online Blood Bank Management System, Voluntary blood donors