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Bookmarks for Tasks - Perfex CRM module to organize your tasks in bookmarks

Bookmarks for Tasks - Perfex CRM module to organize your tasks in bookmarks

Category: Add Ons
$29 Free
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Last updated: 19 Sep 24


Tasks Bookmark module for Perfex CRM, helps you categorize your tasks in Bookmark lists, so they can be easily grouped/searched and prioritized. Here’s how it works:

Once module is activated, a new menu item will appear at the right column of your Perfex admin area, named TASK BOOKMARKS Clicking on it, will lead on Tasks Bookmark creation page, where you will be able to create a new bookmark: Create your first bookmark, by adding a name, an icon and a color for it: Every bookmark that you create will be listed near every task, in a new column, so you can easily append a task to it: You will also be able to pin this bookmark onto Dashboard, so all of its items are visible in the main screen:

Last Update 19 September 2024
Published 17 April 2020
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP
Software Framework CodeIgniter
Software Version PHP 7.x
Tags perfex task filter, perfex task filters, perfex tasks, task bookmarks, tasks, tasks bookmark, tasks bookmarks