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Code Generator for VueJs + NodeJs + ExpressJS + MongoDB (MERN)

Code Generator for VueJs + NodeJs + ExpressJS + MongoDB (MERN)

$35 Free
Last updated: 01 Feb 21


You can imagine how much time you could save to create components if you have code generator tool which would automatically generate code for the given database schema it will save a lot of time.

This tools creates API services and VueJS CRUD forms for the given collections in the MongoDB. In few minutes you can generate the Admin Pannel for the CRUD Forms.Code Generator is a windows application that generates code for VueJs(3.0) for the given MongoDB Collections with NodeJS and ExpressJs .

Note For Demo project Click here. In the demo Application the code is generated at the serverside and the link is provided to download..

Last Update 1 February 2021
Published 1 February 2021
High Resolution No
Compatible Browsers IE11
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML
Software Version .NET 4.5
Tags CodeGeneration, crud, database abstractions, expressJS, mern, mongodb, nodejs, Vuejs