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DocMent - SaaS Based Multi Doctor Appointment System

DocMent - SaaS Based Multi Doctor Appointment System

Category: PHP Scripts
$69 Free
Last updated: 04 May 24


DocMent is a SaaS Based Multi Doctor Appointment System. In this system, a patient can free register and login and make an appointment with his/her desired doctor. Patient can search doctor based on location or chamber department wise and appoint quickly. Doctor can also login and create treatment and prescription for his patients.

This system was made using the popular Laravel PHP framework. Strong security was maintained during the development and there is no sql injection, xss attack, csrf attack possible.

Front End: Admin Panel: Admin Panel Login: [email protected] | 1234 Doctor Panel: Doctor Panel Login: [email protected] | 1234 Patient Panel: Patient Panel Login: [email protected] | 1234

Last Update 4 May 2024
Published 17 July 2021
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL
Software Framework Laravel
Software Version PHP 7.x
Tags appointment, booking, doctor, doctor app, doctor appointment, doctor appointment booking, doctor appointment system, doctor booking, doctor management, doctors appointment, doctors finder, doctors list, medical, online consultation, online doctor appointment