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Documents Scanner App with Admob Ads (Auto edges detection)

Documents Scanner App with Admob Ads (Auto edges detection)

Category: Android
$15 Free
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Last updated: 21 Aug 20


PDF Documents Scanner is the ultimate productivity tool for your android mobile. Add Cam Scan, doc scan and Pdf functionality to your device instantly. Now there is no need to worry about the scanned document being viewed by others. The new document encryption function can encrypt and protect all scanned documents. Yes, it is an encrypted protection pdf scanner app.

Using only your Android device you can instantly scan to PDF and print any written, printed or graphic material, including: - Contracts for your partners or clients; - Business cards; - Receipts to track your expenses; - Paper notes and mindmaps to save the best ideas for future reference; - Book pages and articles for further reading and analysis; - Texts that don’t offer a digital copy;

Last Update 21 August 2020
Published 21 August 2020
Files Included .apk, .java, .xml
Software Version Android 9.0, Android 8.1, Android 8.0, Android 7.2.x, Android 7.1.x, Android 6.0, Android 5.1.x
Tags android, android app, android studio, app, document, Document Scanner, filters, image to text, ocr, scan documents app, scanner, Scanner app