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ECommerce Website in MVC 5 and MsSql

ECommerce Website in MVC 5 and MsSql

Category: eCommerce
$49 Free
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Last updated: 11 Dec 21


Perfects Code has created e-commerce Project. That has all the features. Using e-commerce portal users can buy or sell their products. The main feature of this portal is Multi Vendor. Multiple Vendor can register and sell there own products in this portal. e-Commerce also manages your product stock. We are providing this project with full source code. Project source code is written professionally. User has Managed using Microsoft Identity. SturctureMap has used to resolve dependencies. In e-commerce portal four payment gateway has integrated like PayPal, PayU, Razorpay and Icici.

We have used three-layered architecture, repository pattern, and Entity Framework code-first approach. it supports many database providers such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MySQL, etc.

Last Update 9 December 2021
Published 22 September 2021
High Resolution No
Compatible Browsers IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included C# CS, SQL, XML, JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS
Software Version .NET 4.6
Tags ecommerce in mvc, ecommerce site in dot net mvc, ecommerce website asp dot net, ecommerce website in mvc, multi vendor ecommerce asp dot mvc 5, multi vendor ecommerce in mvc, Multi Vendor eCommerce Website, multi vendor ecommerce website in mvc, multi vendor shopping asp dot mvc 5, multi vendor shopping website, multi vendor shopping website in mvc, shopping portal, shopping site in dot net mvc, shopping website asp dot net, shopping website in mvc