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Error Code 404 Animated SVG

Error Code 404 Animated SVG

$6 Free
Last updated: 03 Feb 21


This is a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) animation, created with the help of Dmitry Baranovskiy’s Snap.svg JavaScript library. It starts with the SOS international Morse code distress signal, which is three dots, three dashes and three dots. Then the dashes morph to dots. The group of nine dots draws the letters SOS, where two dots in each group draw the inner and outer stroke of one letter and the third is used as a filler. The animation continues with morphing animation of the ‘S’ letters, which turn into ‘4’ digits. The ‘O’ letter turns into a magnifying glass, which moves up and down a little in order to reveal a back button.

The Visual Builder is a help tool that resides in the VISUAL_BUILDER folder of the package you have purchased.

Last Update 15 April 2016
Published 28 July 2015
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML
Software Version Other
Tags 404 error page, animation, custom colors, page not found, responsive, snap.svg, svg, vector