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Eventsys & Events Management System

Eventsys & Events Management System

Category: PHP Scripts
$40 Free
Last updated: 18 Oct 17


Event Management – Eventsys – Overview A Best platform for your events. Stop wasting time on point solutions and manual processes.the impact of your events with the integrated solution. Use a platform that automates and simplifies process, provides cost and time savings, increases attendance, delights attendees, and gives you the right analytics tools to prove and improve the value of your events. EventSYS is Event Management System.This CMS Includes almost everything needed in a Event Management system. you can manage multi-event Registration,booking,booking-ticket with Qr-code.each event Registration provide qrcode for that particular event user. Event management system send one confirmation mail to customer with Qr-ticket(each event different code.easy to check qrcode all detail in qrcode ex.event name, booking person name, booking date,event address etc.) This Event Management System allows multiple Event and multiple booking & Reservation. admin can add observe How many Event are working, upcoming and how much sells ticket. system provide event specify web page of event to share event detail with dynamic contain management cms page and more effective features are under below on Features.

Last Update 18 October 2017
Published 18 October 2017
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL
Software Framework CodeIgniter
Software Version PHP 7.x, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6, MySQL 5.x
Tags event booking management, event calendar, event design, event detail, event management tool, event marketing, event registration, event reports, event social media, event web, events booking, events tickets, qr-code, ticket