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Expense Manager Android App AdMob Integrated

Expense Manager Android App AdMob Integrated

Category: Android
$14 Free
Last updated: 10 May 21


Expense Manager Android App Source Code for sell. Create very popular and trending app of play store expense manager android app. Expense Manager app helps to keep tracking all the incomes and expenses very easily. It really a very cool app for those who want to save money but they couldn’t. Through this app, the user manages and control their all expenses very smoothly.

This Expense Manager app also integrated with AdMob ads through the developer or publisher of this app can also earn money to publish app on google play.

Here we implemented a Login screen through each user manage their records separately even if they lose or want to check their status on other phones by just simply log in on the app.

Last Update 10 May 2021
Published 14 July 2019
Files Included .apk, .dex, .java, .xml
Software Version Android 9.0, Android 8.1, Android 8.0, Android 7.2.x, Android 7.1.x, Android 6.0, Android 5.1.x, Android 5.0, Android 4.4.x
Tags admob, android app, android app source code, Expense Manager, expense manager app, firebase, firebase database, firebase login