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Expense Manager - Budget Planner Complete APP ( Android 13 Supported )

Expense Manager - Budget Planner Complete APP ( Android 13 Supported )

$49 $34 Free
Last updated: 07 Jun 23


- Expense Manager : Get a bird-eye view of all your financial activities, keep track of your expense and know where your money goes through the expense tracker

- Money Manager : you can quickly add a transaction , The app will automatically draw up the current balance and show your spending patterns (expense and income). Customize the budget category from different categories according to your expense and amount from the money manager

- Finance Manager : Let us pave the way for your savings so that you can attain your financial goals easily. Finance calculator allows you to add transactions whether the income or expense and calculate your daily expense. Finance manager is a smart feature to enhance your budget reports which can help you in your planning .You can add transaction amount , category and date to manage your transaction details smartly in a single tap with finance calculator a smart feature of this budget planner .Set savings goals with the finance manager and get updates.

Last Update 30 May 2023
Published 10 January 2023
Files Included .apk, .xml, JavaScript JS
Software Version Android 12.0, Android 9.0
Tags accounting, Budget Planner & Tracker, daily expense manager, expense, Expense management, Expense Manager, expense tracker, Finance Tracker, income, manage accounts, money, money manager, react native, Simple Expense Note, spending tracker