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Flashlight Ringtones | Flash Ringtone | Admob Ads | Android

Flashlight Ringtones | Flash Ringtone | Admob Ads | Android

$25 Free
Last updated: 25 Jul 23


Flashlight Ringtones is pretty useful when you are in dark place or in a meeeting where you don’t want to hear caller ringtones or vibration. Image you are in a heavy music party or at night where you cannot hear ring tones and cannot feel vibration. So this Flash on call and Flash on SMS will notify you clearly.

A very useful app for those who are not always allowed to play on the phone in a meeting or in a quiet area.

Flashlight Ringtones application will use your device camera flashlight to start blinking when you are receiving a call or an SMS. This most brightest blink app is a very useful application for those users who are mostly busy in meetings or work in places where they have to keep their mobile phones silent such as hospitals etc. Flashlight Ringtones will make your life easier by letting you know about every call and SMS through flash blinks, that if your mobile device is mostly silent you are bound to miss.

Last Update 25 July 2023
Published 25 July 2023
Files Included .apk, .java, .xml
Software Version Android 12.0, Android 11.0, Android 10.0, Android 9.0, Other
Tags call tune, flashlight, ringtone