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Food Star - Mobile React Native Food Delivery Template

Food Star - Mobile React Native Food Delivery Template

Category: Mobile
$34 Free
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Last updated: 19 Dec 23


Food Star is a modern, well-crafted Food Delivery React Native App Template that can help you create a next hit app in Food Delivery industry.

All components in this template are built with modern React Hooks and TypeScript, we build a dedicated theme system to make sure that the performance is stunning and you can easily customize them for your business.

Food Star is now running on the latest React 18, React Native 0.72.1, and Expo SDK 49 and we’re always making changes and improvements to it in the future.

Last Update 19 December 2023
Published 4 September 2020
Files Included JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, YAML, JavaScript JSON
Software Version ReactJS, iOS 15, iOS 14, iOS 13, Android 12.0, Android 11.0
Tags android, delivery, food, food delivery app, food ordering, ios, mobile app template, mobile food delivery, mobile react native app, mobile ui template, react native template, react native theme, react native ui kit, restaurant mobile app