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GoProperty - Real Estate Property Listing App | Rentals-Exchange-Buy | Airbnb Clone | Full Solution

GoProperty - Real Estate Property Listing App | Rentals-Exchange-Buy | Airbnb Clone | Full Solution

$99 Free
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Last updated: 18 Jul 24


A real estate property listing and rental-exchange-buy app is a digital platform designed to help people find, list, and rent, exchange, or buy real estate properties such as apartments, houses, condos, commercial spaces, and land. The app allows users to search for properties that meet their specific criteria, such as location, size, price, and amenities.

Overall, a real estate property listing and rental-exchange-buy app provide a convenient and efficient way for property owners and potential renters, buyers, or exchangers to connect and engage in property-related transactions.

Last Update 18 July 2024
Published 28 February 2023
Files Included Dart, YAML, .java, .kotlin, .h, .plist, .swift
Software Version Flutter 3.x
Tags airbnb clone, classified, farm house booking, house for sale, listings property, property owners, property script, real estate app listings, real estate flutter, realtor, rental listings, room booking, truila clone, zillow clone