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Guard Patrolling System

Guard Patrolling System

Category: Android
$59 Free
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Last updated: 29 May 19


Nowadays guard patrolling is very most important in day or night to reduce any losses from our premises, so basically we need to buy much hardware to monitor guard patrolling and attendance. This app helps to monitor guard patrolling with no more hardware needed just you can use your own mobile and just one step you are ready to launch the guard patrolling system with real-time reporting.

It’s a simple way to work with this app, simply print QR code or get qr code stickers from the market and stick on walls or gate, etc where you want track patrolling

that means in for example we can stock that QR code stickers on the main gate, back gate, any imp area where imp goods stored, etc, etc.

Last Update 29 May 2019
Published 29 May 2019
Files Included .apk, .dex, .so, .dat, .db, .java, JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP, HTML
Software Version Android 12.0, Android 11.0, Android 10.0, Android 9.0, Other
Tags android, guard monitor, guard patrolling, guard tour, jwm, mobile app, monitor, patrolling app, QR Patrol, security, security guard