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HeyP - Flutter Social App

HeyP - Flutter Social App

Category: Flutter
$24 Free
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Last updated: 10 Feb 21


HeyP is a Social app used to get connected with family & friends. The app is created in such a way that helps the developer to customize the things easier. We are committed to keep adding a new feature and enhance app. We are providing a complete document that will help you in installation & running the application, although You are free to ask any question related to a product., it contains more than 16 screens, you can reuse more than 40 widgets to customize your application.

Last Update 10 February 2021
Published 12 August 2020
Files Included Dart, JavaScript JSON, .java, .h, .plist, .swift, JavaScript JS, HTML
Software Version Flutter 1.x
Tags android, chat, flutter, friends, ios, meet, messages, messaging, messenger, node.js, people, social, social app, travel