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Hospital Management System

Hospital Management System

$25 Free
Last updated: 11 Sep 17


Our Hospital Management System is a powerful and easy to use complete management system that allows you to keep track of everything related to the hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers, medical institues etc. You can create as many relevant users as you want such as Patient, Doctor, Nurse, Receptionist, Laboratorist, Pharmacist, etc. and assign them different roles and responsibilities. Each user will have their own account and will act according to the permissions assigned to them.

This Hospital Management System provides an integrated set of features to help you manage your hospital data.

Last Update 11 September 2017
Published 11 September 2017
High Resolution No
Compatible Browsers Firefox, Chrome
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL
Software Framework CodeIgniter
Software Version PHP 7.x, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6, MySQL 5.x
Tags clinic, hospital, management, multi users, nurse, php, system