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Imagine - Parallax Scroll Effects and Parallax Animations

Imagine - Parallax Scroll Effects and Parallax Animations

$12 Free
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Last updated: 07 Jul 19


Imagine by pixevil is a parallax scroll and parallax animations framework with unlimited animation possibilities. Imagine animations can be used with any element in your page and comes with a perfected parallax background markup. Built with the use of jQuery, GSAP and Animus, the plugin is guaranteed to offer unmatched parallax scrolling experience.

We want to help you out with your business. That’s why we’re including premade usage examples for Imagine, making it easier for you to get your website up and running.

Last Update 7 July 2019
Published 8 October 2016
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, Layered PNG
Software Version jQuery
Tags background, css3, gsap, imagine, javascript parallax, jquery, jQuery parallax, jquery plugin, parallax, parallax background, parallax plugin, parallax scroll, plugin, scroll, scrolling