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Ionic Social | Ionic 5 | Angular | UI Theme | Template App | Starter App & Components

Ionic Social | Ionic 5 | Angular | UI Theme | Template App | Starter App & Components

Category: Templates
$24 Free
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Last updated: 19 May 21


A beautiful, super clean and easy to use theme. Improve the design of your application and save time while developing your product. In no time you will be able to customize the styles to match your brand and start building your Ionic app.

In order to modify the app you need to have knowledge in web technologies such as javascript, html5 and css3. You also need to be able to install Ionic and its dependencies on your machine. We recommend you to use the Ionic official installation guide and ask on the Ionic forum for support.

Last Update 18 May 2021
Published 18 May 2021
Files Included JavaScript JSON, Layered PNG, JavaScript JS, Sass, HTML
Software Framework Ionic
Software Version Angular, Ionic 5.x.x
Tags angular, app, capacitor, events, instagram, ionic, Ionic5, profile, social, social media app, social network, social sharing, template, theme, ui