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iOS SwiftUI Radio App with Google Sheets as Backend

iOS SwiftUI Radio App with Google Sheets as Backend

$21 Free
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Last updated: 20 May 23


Here some new ideas for your next app! Pick the favorites radio stations for your users and put it into the beautiful interface. Using this modern radio template, you can easily connect to the Google Sheets and edit it anytime by adding new stations or reorder it as more favorites. Using the latest SwiftUI technology you can edit the UI and see changes live without running it several times. As a bonus, you can build it for macOS too!

Creating new database is simple by making a copy of the sheet document and filling with our data that connect to your application. All you need is just to provide stream url, image url (logo), genre and title.

Last Update 20 May 2023
Published 17 January 2020
Compatible With Swift, Bootstrap 4.x, Foundation 6, Foundation 5
Files Included .h, .m, .pch, .xib/.nib, Layered PSD, Layered PNG, JavaScript JS, CSS, LESS, Sass, Stylus, HTML
Software Version iOS 15, iOS 14, iOS 13, iOS 12
Tags admob, app, application, audio, background, featured, ios, mac, mobile, music, playback, player, radio, stream, swiftui