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opencart powerful donation module

opencart powerful donation module

Category: OpenCart
$17 Free
Last updated: 15 Jan 14


Opencart Powerful Donation Module is best module for donation. We can add donation like as product so user can add any price and give the donation of any opencart website actually people can also used it like as virtual product also and u can set each donation name, image and disable/enable status. You can show donation to your website anywhere like as opencart default module. It has nice 22 settings that made it dynamic.Doantion module has buildin 4 step checkout so you can use 4 step checkout for your hole website so specially only for donation and help tab give you easily conatc to the developer. So best donation module for opencart and it is compatible for version, 1.5.4,,, 1.5.6

Last Update 15 January 2014
Published 22 August 2013
High Resolution No
Compatible Browsers IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP
Software Version OpenCart 1.5.x, OpenCart 1.5.5.x, OpenCart 1.5.5, OpenCart 1.5.4
Tags add donation product, donation, donation full package, donation module, ecommerce, oc donation module, opencart 4 step checkout, opencart best donation module, opencart donation bundle pack, opencart donation module, opencart donation plugin, opencart module, power donation module, virtual donation product