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QR Lock - Encrypted QR Codes Scanner and Generator - Flutter app with AdMob

QR Lock - Encrypted QR Codes Scanner and Generator - Flutter app with AdMob

Category: Flutter
$29 Free
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Last updated: 25 Sep 22


The QR Lock is a flutter app that can generate, scan, share, and encrypt QR codes. The QR Lock app is implemented with the flutter framework. This means that you can generate both Android and iOS apps from the purchased source code.

The app allows the users to generate and scan different kinds of QR codes. More importantly, the app has the ability to encrypt the content of the QR code. This means that, when scan encrypted QR codes, the content can not be displayed without the correct password. Moreover, the app has AdMob integrated and it is easily configurable for the following:

Last Update 25 September 2022
Published 30 July 2020
Files Included .java
Software Version Flutter 1.x
Tags admob, bitcoin, ethereum, favorites, password, qr code generator, qr code scanner, QR decryption, QR encryption, sql lite, whatsapp, youtube