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Quform - Responsive Ajax Contact Form

Quform - Responsive Ajax Contact Form

Category: Forms
$9 Free
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Last updated: 21 Jan 25


Quform is a powerful responsive ajax contact form that you can easily embed into any web page in a matter of minutes. If you need a simple contact form to put on your website Quform is sure to suit your requirements. It does everything without reloading the page which makes for a sleek user experience that is sure to make a positive impression when your visitors contact you.

You can adapt the Quform to be a register form, quote form or have whatever form fields you would like and as well as sending you an email, there is also the option of saving the form data to a database. You can quickly set up the form to send a custom autoreply message to the form user.

Quform has a specially built framework of validators and filters (inspired by the Zend Framework) to give you full control over the data you allow to be sent to you. The default settings will be enough for a lot of users but if you ever need to make sure the visitor completes fields correctly you will be happy you bought this!

Last Update 21 January 2025
Published 24 December 2010
High Resolution No
Compatible Browsers IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP
Software Version PHP 8.x, PHP 7.x
Tags ajax, contact, form, ipad, iphone, iphorm, jquery, mobile, phone, quform, register form, responsive, upload form, validation