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Random Chat App with firebase backend

Random Chat App with firebase backend

Category: Flutter
$23 Free
Last updated: 16 Jan 21


This app is a random chat app which is made using flutter and firebase as the backend. Minimum supported SDK version is 16 which is Android JellyBean. Firebase realtime database serves as the main database for storing messages and user presence data. The app contains several features including,

The app is easy to manage and expand, and the firebase backend can be easily created. Make sure to change the logo and package name when you publish this.

Last Update 16 January 2021
Published 28 January 2020
Files Included Dart, YAML, .java, .kotlin, .plist, .swift, JavaScript JS, CSS
Software Version Flutter 1.x
Tags android app, android chat app, android random chat app, android whatsapp, firebase chat, firebase random chat app, flutter android chat app, Flutter App, flutter chat app, flutter chatting app, flutter random chat app, node.js chat server, Random Chat, random chat app