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Real Estate Tycoon - City Sim Time Management HTML5 Game (Construct2)

Real Estate Tycoon - City Sim Time Management HTML5 Game (Construct2)

Category: Games
$99 Free
Last updated: 19 May 20


Real Estate Tycoon is an amazing city simulator game. The game has 3 game play modes: Career, where the player needs to beat the levels. Time trial, where the player needs to reach a goal before the time is up. Endless, where the player can enjoy the game as much as possible.

The game is ready to be published on your site. Just grab the html5 files and upload them to your server. That’s very simple!

If you have any question, don’t hesitate in asking. IF YOU LIKED THE GAME, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW.

Last Update 19 May 2020
Published 23 April 2020
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS
Software Version HTML5, Construct 3
Tags building, capx, casino, construct2, Construct3, game, html5, real estate, reskin, sim city, template, time management, tycoon