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Smart Animated Popup - jQuery Popups Plugin

Smart Animated Popup - jQuery Popups Plugin

$10 Free
Last updated: 26 Jan 23


Smart Animated Popup is a jQuery powered plugin for creating normal or modal popups with custom positioning, popup open/close animation effect, customized overlay and popup looks, tons of settings. And it’s responsive.

Plugin has wide range of settings you can use to open and close popups, style them and animate them. Popups are responsive.

Plugin is tested with current Android ( major versions 4, 5, 6 and 7 ) browsers, iPhone and iPad Safari and Chrome ( with iOS 8, 9, 10 ), all modern desktop browsers ( IE9 will not show animations ). IE8 and lower, Safari for Windows 5 are not supported. It requires JavaScript and jQuery support to work. Also, for animation to work, browser must have full support for CSS3 animations and transitions.

Last Update 26 January 2023
Published 25 January 2015
Compatible Browsers IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS
Software Version jQuery
Tags animation, auto close, auto load, css, customization, effects, jquery, modal, overlay, popup, positions, responsive, styles, timer, transition