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Smart Forms

Smart Forms

Category: Forms
$11 Free
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Last updated: 19 Jan 19


Smart Forms is a responsive professional Form Framework with a clean consistent Form UI. The framework includes a variety of form Widgets such as Datepickers, Timepickers, Monthpickers, Colorpickers, Numeric Steppers, UI Sliders, Google maps, toggle switches validation, masking among other features.

All form elements are built prurely with CSS3 + HTML5 (no images) and enhanced with jQuery, features AJAX processing, built on a fluid 12 column grid, working AJAX PHP forms with CAPTCHA included, and can be used to build any kind of Web Forms quickly whether simple or complex, without special CSS and HTML, jQuery and PHP coding knowledge.

Smart Forms is regulary updated to include powerful and most sought after features that matter most for modern web form development without lots of sweat – Create multi-steps and modal popup forms, dynamically clone forms and form elements, create chained select elements, use form conditional logic and branching, create autocomplete, combo widgets, format numbers and currencies, export data in PDF, XLS, CSV formats, use both SMTP and SENDMAIL formats to send form data and much more.

Last Update 19 January 2019
Published 26 March 2014
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP
Software Version jQuery
Tags ajax forms, color pickers, css3 forms, date pickers, form captcha, form masking, form validation, html5 forms, month pickers, php contact form, php forms, responsive forms, smart forms, time picker, UI Slider