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Smart Timer And Counter - jQuery Mega Countdown Plugin

Smart Timer And Counter - jQuery Mega Countdown Plugin

Category: Countdowns
$20 Free
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Last updated: 30 Aug 23


Smart Timer And Counter is a jQuery plugin that can be used to add timers and clocks to the web page. Plugin is highly configurable and expandable through custom skins (visual component), modes (clock/timer logic) and languages (translate labels).

All styling is done using CSS (and Canvas for Circular skin), and all included styles are pure CSS with no images used. Controls are responsive, uses media queries to change counter sizes, and it can break into multiple lines on smaller screens.

Plugin is tested with current Android browsers, iPhone and iPad Safari and Chrome, all modern desktop browsers. It requires JavaScript and jQuery support to work.

Last Update 30 August 2023
Published 8 November 2013
Compatible Browsers Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS
Software Version jQuery
Tags animated, circular, clock, count down, countdown, counter, css, date, elapsed, flip, jquery, led, responsive, time, timer