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Solid Support Chat .net mvc core with full source code | client and admin

Solid Support Chat .net mvc core with full source code | client and admin

$399 Free
Last updated: 28 Nov 20


Click here for demo -Login ,Register, Forgot Password, Menus ,Menu access, User authentications, Multilingual , smart grids , Dashboard, charts and widgets, application setting ,other settings SMTP, exports options in pdf viewer, new transactions count line chart etc.

-Register Option with Facebook and google. -Dashboard (UI charts, counts and sum of account, debit credit detail of particular account) -Role and user, menu assign management. -Application settings -Master Department, Nature of Inquery, Avatar images settings -Chat history, Chat window for admin, chat initiate by client end. -Block list, chat users history. Reports users, chat users, block list users

Last Update 28 November 2020
Published 28 November 2020
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included C# CS, SQL, JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS
Software Version .NET 4.8, .NET 4.7, .NET 4.6
Tags c sharp, chat application, chat history, chat users report, chatting software, dot net core chat software, dot net core support chat, support chat, user chat