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Staff Workload for Perfex CRM

Staff Workload for Perfex CRM

Category: Add Ons
$44 Free
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Last updated: 29 Jan 21


Staff Workload Module is a process of distributing work among employees and monitoring people’s utilization over time. The goal is to make sure the work is delivered within the planned time frame, but also to keep a healthy balance in terms of the amount of work every team member needs to do. Without workload management you learn about the danger when it’s too late to prevent the consequences: usually when people hand in their resignation papers or when project’s progress is seriously impeded. Monitoring workload helps you spot problematic trends and areas earlier, giving you a chance to solve issues before they escalate. What are the most effective workload management strategies?

Last Update 29 January 2021
Published 22 June 2020
High Resolution No
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL
Software Framework CodeIgniter
Software Version PHP 7.x
Tags capacity, perfex, perfex crm, perfex hr, perfex module, perfex project management, perfex staff workload, perfex task, project, project management, staff workload, task management, timesheet, workload