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Story Highlights for Instagram - iOS app for Instagram

Story Highlights for Instagram - iOS app for Instagram

Category: iOS
$79 Free
Last updated: 11 Jan 20


Instagram Stories are getting so popular every single day.Take advantage of the awesome trend by providing a beautiful app for building story highlightsor choosing from one of the highlights provided in the app.WHAT DOES THIS PRODUCT OFFER YOUA great developed iOS app that you can upload on the App Store or add it to any existing of your apps.Google AdMob ads integrated so you can earn money even if you plan to make the app free.WHAT DO I NEED TO GET STARTEDYou will need a Mac computer with Xcode 11 installed.You will need a Google AdMob account since the app is ready for ads.If you want to publish this app on App Store, you need a developer account.FEATURES- Build mode offers users to create their own stories. Just select background image/color, center circle, icons and you’re done.Not text features, no zoom, no ability to move things around. Super simple and easy to use.- 7 categories with over 50 story highlights across all categories.- Swift 5.x, iOS 10+ and Xcode 11- Easy to add more image. Just drag & drop into a folder.- Google AdMob Ads

Last Update 11 January 2020
Published 11 January 2020
Files Included .xib/.nib
Software Version iOS 15, iOS 14, iOS 13, iOS 12
Tags app templates for iOS, get instagram famous, insta story covers, instagram story covers, instagram story editor, instagram story highlights, iOS app template, popular instagram stories, story covers, story highlights