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TravelFresh - Travel Agency CMS with Online Booking System

TravelFresh - Travel Agency CMS with Online Booking System

$69 Free
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Last updated: 28 Feb 23


TravelFresh is a responsive, user-friendly and easy travel agency management system with online booking system. Using this CMS, travellers can check the destinations and see offered packages and then they can book their seat for that particular travel. Traveller can pay online via paypal, stripe or bank. Then admin will communicate with the traveller and start processing the journey.

This CMS is built using the Codeigniter PHP Framework. For this reason, it can be customized easily by other developers and they can understand the code flow easily. You will get this script very strong against SQL injection, XSS & CSRF attack. Also in all pages, admin level security is implemented.

The source code of this script is very easy and clean. The interface is user-friendly. Non-technical users can maintain almost every contents and photos.

Last Update 28 February 2023
Published 20 February 2019
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE11, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, CSS, PHP, SQL
Software Framework CodeIgniter
Software Version PHP 8.x
Tags business, domestic travel, hotel, international tour, online ticket, restaurant, tour, tourist, tourist guide, travel, travel agency, travel agent, travel guide, travel management, traveller