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v_chat_sdk witch run on nestjs and mongo db

v_chat_sdk witch run on nestjs and mongo db

Category: Flutter
$300 Free
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Last updated: 23 Sep 23


Vchat-sdk is a SaaS (Software as a Service) chat system that offers real-time messaging capabilities for web and mobile applications. It consists of two parts: the server-side and the client-side. The server-side is built using Node.js and Socket.IO for real-time communication, while MongoDB is used for data storage.

A unique feature of vchat-sdk is its independence from Firebase for data storage. However, it does provide the option to enable push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) or OneSignal.

Last Update 9 May 2023
Published 4 April 2020
Files Included Dart, YAML, JavaScript JSON, .java, JavaScript JS
Software Version Flutter 3.x
Tags android, app, chat, clone facebook, clone messenger, clone whatsApp, facebook lite clone, flutter, flutter chat app, ios, mongodb, nestjs, node js, socket io, v-chat-app