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Wizard Pro

Wizard Pro

Category: Forms
$11 Free
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Last updated: 01 Sep 10


WizardPro allows you to create website wizards in just a few minutes. You can use this plugin for almost anything that requires a few steps, like a application installer, a signup or contact form. Please make sure you check out the demo section so you can see what’s possible! Live Demo

A PHP file can also be found in the demo folder when you purchase the plugin. This will explain the basics on how to handle ajax requests using JSON Encode. This requires PHP 5.2.0 or higher.

Last Update 3 August 2011
Published 28 August 2010
High Resolution No
Compatible Browsers IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP
Software Version jQuery
Tags block, contact, install wizard, installer, menu, signup, step by step, wizard