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WooCommerce Dashboard for WP Marketplace & Multi Vendor

WooCommerce Dashboard for WP Marketplace & Multi Vendor

$59 Free
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Last updated: 27 Jun 20


Woopanel – Advanced wordpress admin panel for woocommerce dashboard is an information board that combines multiple reports on one display screen, giving administrators a quick overview and many different information. (VIEW DEMO CLICK HERE)

With only one display screen, you can get analyses, visually tracks and displays key performance indicators (KPI), key data points and metrics to monitor the health of a department, business or specific process.

WooCommerce Dashboard can be customize to meet the specific needs of your department or company. Moreover, administrators will have a better overview of the situation of their business and make a prediction based on the Dashboard.

Last Update 27 June 2020
Published 11 January 2020
Gutenberg Optimized No
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Compatible With Visual Composer 5.1.x, WooCommerce 3.8.x, WooCommerce 3.7.x, WooCommerce 3.6.x, WooCommerce 3.5.x, WooCommerce 3.4.x, WooCommerce 3.3.x, WooCommerce 3.2.x, WooCommerce 3.1.x, WooCommerce 3.0.x, Bootstrap 4.x
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP
Software Version WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x
Tags dashboard, dashboard manager, dokan, editor, frontend, gradient, management, manager, material, multiple vendor, multivendor, woocommerce, woocommerce frontend