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Category: iOS
$14 Free
Last updated: 18 Apr 19


This app let you do a lot of things, drawing onto the space (real world around you), customize the brush color and size, but the coolest thing is that you can draw everywhere you go, early with your iPhone. With ARPaint you can paint, for example, imagine that you are on a football camp, ok, you have a lot of space, true, not? Then, you can paint from one angle until you reach all the four angles of the football camp, now you paint is done.

The app is compatible with iOS 11 and iOS 12, written in Swift 4 and available for iPhone compatible with Xcode 10.

Last Update 18 April 2019
Published 18 April 2019
Compatible With Swift
Files Included .xib/.nib
Software Version iOS 12
Tags ar, ARKit, augmented reality, ios, iOS 11, iOS 12, iphone, swift