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Flutter ESP8266 & ESP32 IoT Starter Kit

Flutter ESP8266 & ESP32 IoT Starter Kit

$59 Free
Last updated: 27 Sep 22


Flutter ESP8266 IoT Starter Kit is a starter project for freelancers, indie developers, hobbyists and professionals. This project includes source code for a simple Flutter application which can target Android, iOS as well as other platforms which are supported by Flutter, and a robust C++ based firmware for Arduino/ESP8266/ESP32 devices.

The aim of this starter kit is to enable the developers to quickly launch their IoT project with custom branded apps for themselves or their customers. The codebase for the app and firmware is boilerplate to get you started quickly, as you can add more functionality to the main app and the device without having to worry about core features like App Settings, Multilingual Support, light and dark themes, and MQTT Communication.

Same is true for the ESP firmware, the firmware is a time-tested codebase, which we have used in our own commercial-grade projects for years, and this can be used as a base project for adding functionality without tangling yourself in features like Easy Wi-Fi Onboarding, Device Settings, Retry-to-Connect logic as well as MQTT Communications with app.

Last Update 27 September 2022
Published 16 December 2020
Files Included Dart, YAML, JavaScript JSON, .java, .kotlin, .plist, .swift
Software Version Flutter 3.x
Tags android, arduino, dark theme, embedded, esp32, esp8266, firmware, flutter, flutter mobile, ios, mobile app, mqtt, native, starter kit, template