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jQuery Responsive Countdown with Visual Builder

jQuery Responsive Countdown with Visual Builder

Category: Countdowns
$6 Free
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Last updated: 03 Jan 20


This is a javascript based tool that uses the canvas object to animate SVG defined drawings. The tool uses a flip animation to display the remaining time to or the elapsed time from a target date. The tool detects change of width and height of its container object and responds accordingly. Since it uses vector data to draw the digits and the panels of the countdown, there is no change in the quality of the displayed drawings when it gets resized. The tool features around 30 options to customize but it can also be used in a simple configuration. 1. In order to play, the tool needs to execute on a div that is relatively or absolutely positioned, because the tool creates layers of canvas objects within the div that are absolutely positioned. The div needs to have an id attribute in order to be easily selected. The div may have width defined with percent values. Every resize of browser will get detected by the tool and it will redraw accordingly. The height of the div is not important, because the tool will change it in order to draw the countdown. There is a parameter though that defines the maximum height the tool can have. Here is an example of a div object that can be used:

2. After you have created the div element you will need to import some Javascript files. These are jQuery, and the countdown plugin. In my demos, I add these in the header of the document.

3. Lastly you need to select the div element and run the countdown. It is possible to not specify any options and the default ones will be used.

Last Update 3 January 2020
Published 2 February 2014
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS
Software Version jQuery
Tags canvas, coming soon, count up, countdown, elapsed time, javascript, jquery, js, remaining time, responsive, svg, timer