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WebGL Based Multi-Purpose 360° Panoramic Script

WebGL Based Multi-Purpose 360° Panoramic Script

$12 Free
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Last updated: 05 Oct 16


WebGL Based Multi-Purpose 360° Panoramic Script is a Three js, Jquery based panorama picture viewer. WebGL is one of the best solution for 3d graphics. Here is the working concept of this script. This script transforming your panorama image into a 3D globe. And placed camera inside the core. With your mouse you can move your camera and then watching panorama 3D globe. Also this script has a pointer class which can describe pointed elements. It also has supporting cross browser and fits for any screen size of mobiles, tablets and desktops which enable WebGL support. Multi-Purposely is suitable for online touring through the parks, peeks, mountains, lakes, cities, villages, sports, castles, churches, indoors and any other miscellaneous.

Last Update 5 October 2016
Published 11 May 2014
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Files Included JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, Layered PNG
Software Version jQuery, Other
Tags 360 panorama, cross-browsing, image, indoor, multi-purpose, outdoor, panorama, panoramic, photography, responsive, suitable, viewer